Setting Fall Career Intentions

School is finally back in session for us New Yorkers who are the very last to return in the country. 

For me and many others I’m connecting with, there’s a familiar wave of grief. 

A chapter closing on a nourishing slower pace, travel and adventures, an abundance of family time and a dip in stress levels. 

A glimmer of possibility for how life all year round could be different. 

There are clues for you, your career and your life in those possibilities. Now is your moment to mine them and be intentional about small tweaks you can make to access that summer vibe.

So, if you’re someone who is feeling that sadness about the end of summer, sit down and brainstorm a list of everything you loved and even liked about how it all went. 

And then choose two of those things that you’re able to intentionally build into your career this fall and ongoing. 

Did you schedule more in-person coffee dates and lunches with your people?  

Did you naturally have more buffer between meetings because colleagues were on vacation?

Did you have more time for deep thinking projects?

There’s much we can learn from the change of seasons and just like a career transition–the change doesn’t have to mean that we’re starting fresh. We can bring a few gems along with us, to sturdy us and keep us whole amidst the shift. 

After one of my favorite summers of all time–I’m feeling both loss and gratitude for what I’m leaving behind. 

Yet, I’m stepping into fall with the muscle memory of freedom and play and release of control that made this summer unique. 

The work to come is intentionally building these elements into my daily life when the culture around me is bringing their Big Fall Energy. 

More details on results will follow, but for now I’m off to an outdoor coffee date with a colleague in the last days of my sandals and flowy skirts. 

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