What makes a career meaningful...to you?

Taking control of your career starts with a seemingly simple question: What are the five non-negotiables you need to make this next role or portfolio of projects feel meaningful, successful, energizing…on your terms?

A few months ago, my client was approached for an opportunity in an adjacent industry - one that had never been on her radar. So, using the list of non-negotiables we worked on together to make sure the role ticked all her boxes, she took the interview.

She was VERY passionate about the impact she could make with this work and the growth opportunities for her career. Plus - with her newfound confidence, she negotiated a $50k pay bump from her last role. No big deal.

This is why identifying your non-negotiables is central to the Career Command Process - because it is critical to setting the tone for your next career chapter.

If you’re ready to claim what you want in a meaningful, energizing career,
I can help you...

  • Find the inner clarity to understand your terms and what you want next.

  • Craft the authentic words to describe you, your experience and why you’re the right fit for this energizing role.

  • Take intentional action to strategically use the time you have, activate your network and go after that next role with a focused roadmap.

Let me help you take back control in your career.
Shift into finding work that works for you and the life you want to live.

Join me and your new squad of 15 driven, meaning-seeking women in my next cohort of Career Command: Four-Month Shift. Doors are now open - I’ll be sharing more widely next week so secure your spot now.

Join Career Command Now!

Plus - I have something free coming your way next week. Here’s a hint: It’s about the rules you’ve been following for your career. It’s about the way we often don’t question those rules. It’s a juicy topic that I KNOW will get you thinking and rethinking, because…it’s my job to get those wheels turning.