Boundaries are my love language

In the past couple of months, I’ve been leading discussions around boundaries for all of my many groups. And I’ve noticed something. 

My body is on fire. 

There’s a visceral current. All the energy and flow and a wee bit of sadness when the discussion comes to a close. 

In my work with clients, I would call this a “career clue.”  Career Clues are those topics you discuss, events you plan, projects you lead, moments you mentor – when you feel sparky and alive in your body. A physical sensation. 

My learning curve with boundaries has been an evolution in both my business and personal life. 

As a mostly people pleaser, rule follower kid – I remember a rush when I said no, or went my own way to do the unpopular thing. 

It felt like a high-five with my true self. 

That’s typically how I know I’ve set the right boundary for myself now. While some “no’s” are a “hell no” and easy to say in the moment. There are still many that push me to the edge of my comfort with my own worthiness and the belief that I can have, or even create what I want. 

My boundaries practice is tested when I…

Stand firm in my rates.

Guard my free time.

Choose values-aligned communities, clients and projects.

And even if the lead up  is hard, when I hear the inner slap of that high five, that full body relief on the other end – I know I made the right choice. 

If you’re having challenges setting boundaries in your career – whether it’s about the time you’re putting in, the way you’re being compensated…or recognized – let’s talk it through. 

Is there something you want to ask for?

Something you need to say no to? 

A redistribution of tasks and labor at home?

I help clients with scripts and examples for how they can put these boundaries into words, so they can own what they want in their language – and then get the practice asking for those things, out loud, with another human. 

Looking forward to talking with you in a boundary-strategy session! 

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